Relationship Intelligence provides insight, skills, and motivation to turn conflict into connection.


Our dreams move us. they’ll move you, too

At The Relationship Intelligence Center (r.IQ), we believe the quality of our human connections determines the quality of our lives.

Relationships define who we are, give us purpose and direction, and inform us where and to whom we belong.  Relationships are the vital source of what we desire most – identity, connection, intimacy, and meaning. Relationships are the foundation for our highest aspirations and the sanctuary for our deepest fears. At their best, relationships bring us joy and inspiration, expanding our lives and making us feel better than ever before; at their worst, they bring us shame, guilt, and disappointment, contracting our lives and leaving us feeling inadequate, detached, and puzzled.

The r/IQ Workshop Series provides opportunities for people to build competencies, increase self-awareness, and learn something new and interesting. At r.IQ specializes in helping people deal with those person-to-person problems that seem unsolvable. If you feel stuck, discouraged, and frustrated by a relationship that doesn't seem to be going in the direction you want, consider attending one of the learning opportunities available through the r.IQ Workshop Series. We specialize in helping people untie the knots that exist in important relationships so they can experience, once again, the fulfillment and satisfaction that arises naturally from feeling trusted, sharing the truth, sensing deeper commitment, and having lasting intimacy.

Sometimes we outgrow the people who aren’t growing.

If you tell the truth it becomes part of your past. If you tell a lie it becomes part of your future.
— Unknown, but tenderly acknowledged

our Focus is to help you Achieve

  • Life skills that promote self-worth.

  • Create opportunities to turn conflict into connection.

  • Provide insight into basic truths that change everything.

  • Cultivate a capacity for you to learn from your past so to better control your future and realize happiness.

  • Teach you how to achieve balance in relationships.

  • Learn the basic building blocks of relational connection.

  • Enhance your capacity for mastery in relationships.

  • Getting your needs met by learning the lessons conflict has been trying to teach you.